Prayer Corner
Gospel of the Day
Read the Gospel from today's Mass and get to know the saints profiled in the "Saint Who?" feature.
Gospel of the Day
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 1:26-38
Great Catholic Prayers
Great Catholic Prayers

Submit your prayer intention
Following the example of the Apostles gathered around Mary after the Resurrection, let us pray together united in faith.
You can share your intentions here, so that they can be included in the hearts of all who pray daily with Magnificat. (Only your first name will appear as the intention’s signature).
Each month, Mass will be celebrated for intentions of the Magnificat Family.
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Our newsletter for Sunday Mass
Sign up to receive resources every Wednesday to help you prepare for Sunday Mass:
- Insight into the day’s liturgical theme
- The Gospel
- A Meditation
- Suggested Prayer of the Faithful
Nos parcours de prières

9 jours avec saint Joseph

Découvrez votre raison d'être !


À l'école de saint Charles de Foucauld
Vivez une magnifique neuvaine avec saint Charles de Foucauld : méditations, intentions de prière, prières...

Vers dimanche
Un rendez-vous hebdomadaire, pour préparer votre cœur à la messe du dimanche : la Parole de Dieu, l'Évangile, un texte de méditation, une intersession
Our Lady of Roses, Simon Saint-Jean (1808-1860), Château de Compiègne, France. © akg-images