There is a danger in the study of spirituality. An old friend once called it “the curse of the pointer.” As we study and try one method of prayer and then another, we can point to this insight and that gripping passage.
ReadThe Order of Cîteaux, or the Cistercians, came into being at the end of the 11th century (1098), in some swampy forests about twelve and a half miles from Dijon, the capital of Burgundy. After several other attempts, among them one at Molesmes which survived, the dozen or so founders ended up by withdrawing into this region, still uninhabitable at...
Read“The most holy church of the Lateran, the mother and head of all the churches of the city and the world!” Those words, in Latin, greet every pilgrim entering through the front door of the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome, and clearly proclaim the Lateran’s significance in Christianity.
ReadSaint Paul’s rabbinical education within a cosmopolitan culture prepared him to preach to both Jew and gentile.
ReadThe Scriptures are the word of God speaking through the human freedom of their inspired authors.
ReadThe Gospels were likely conceived first as accounts of the Passion and Resurrection—the central themes of early preaching.
ReadHuman respect is not a matter of wealth or social status, but of our call to be children of God.
ReadThe Annunciation, Botticelli (c. 1444-1510), MET, NYC, USA. Public domain.
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