Temptation of Christ
The Temptation of Christ (c. 1525–1530), Simon Bening (c. 1483–1561). After the introduction of the printing press to Europe in the mid-15th century, the
The Temptation of Christ (c. 1525–1530), Simon Bening (c. 1483–1561). After the introduction of the printing press to Europe in the mid-15th century, the
The Presentation in the Temple (1460–1475), Master of the Life of the Virgin. On February 2 we celebrate the feast of the Presentation, an event recounted
The Adoration of the Magi, central panel of the Triptych (c. 1494), Hieronymus Bosch (1450–1516). The visit of the three kings to adore the Christ Child is a
Nativity (c. 1250) from The Carrow Psalter, Anonymous English Master. In the novel Brideshead Revisited, the English author and Catholic convert Evelyn Waugh portrays a conversation
The blessing Christ, Anonymous, 6th century. The face of God Flanked by mainland Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the Sinai peninsula is a mountainous wilderness. Windswept, dry riverbeds
The Virgin of the Rosary (1650–1655), Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617–1682). The most striking particularity of this 1650 painting by Murillo is the naturalness of
The Mass of Saint Gregory (c. 1490), Attributed to Diego de la Cruz (fl. 1482–1500). Jesus Christ Our Paschal Lamb Saint Gregory the Great’s dramatic
The Assumption (c. 1629), Philippe de Champaigne (1602–1674). The Carmelite convent This year we celebrate the 350th anniversary of the death of Philippe de Champaigne.
Mary Magdalene announces the Resurrection to the Apostles, from Saint Albans Psalter (c. 1131), Anonymous. Mary Magdalene stands in splendid isolation against a background of
Saint Longinus (1631–1638), Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598–1680). A Roman soldier stood at the foot of a cross, tired, troubled, uncomfortable. His day had started many hours earlier
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