Saints Who Worked in Agriculture

September 18, 2024

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Blessed Simon Ballachi of Rimini

Saint Who?

Saints Who Worked in Agriculture

Blessed Simon Ballachi of Rimini

Religious († 1319) Feast: November 3

Simon was born in northern Italy around 1250. His family belonged to the nobility, and two of his uncles were bishops. Simon trained as a soldier and expected to inherit the family estate. But at twenty-seven, he left all worldly concerns to take up the life of a Dominican lay brother.

He was assigned to care for the community’s garden. Although appointed overseer, he made a point of working with his own hands. This assignment became an occasion of great grace, and he prayed in the garden in such a way that “while his hands cultivated the herbs and flowers of the earth, his heart might be a paradise of sweet-smelling flowers in the sight of God.” He would help other brothers finish their work once his was done. In his free moments, Simon gathered street children for catechesis.

He was diligent in keeping the rule, and practiced severe penance. He went blind at the age of fifty-seven—reportedly from weeping for his sins. The formerly energetic man also became largely bedridden. During the following decade he cheerfully accepted these crosses, and was venerated as a saint soon after his death in 1319. His cult was confirmed in 1817.

Merciful Father, help us to abandon
worldly ambition and seek you
in humble service.

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Christ at the Sea of Galilee, Circle of Jacopo Tintoretto (Probably Lambert Sustris), Anonymous Artist - Venetian, 1518 or 1519 - 1594. National Gallery of Art, New-York

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