Saints Who Worked in Agriculture

September 7, 2024

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Saint Isidore the Farmer († 1130) & Blessed Maria de la Cabeza († c. 1175)

Saint Who?

Saints Who Worked in Agriculture

Saint Isidore the Farmer († 1130)

Feast: May 15

Blessed Maria de la Cabeza († c. 1175)

Married coupleFeast: September 9

Isidore was born near Madrid in the late 11th century. He was a farm worker in the employ of a man named Juan de Vargas. It is said his devotion annoyed his fellow ­workers, who complained to their employer that Isidore came to work late because he went to Mass every morning. Vargas went to investigate, and found Isidore at prayer, while an angel did his ploughing. On another occasion, Vargas saw two angels working alongside Isidore, tripling his productivity.

Isidore and his wife, Maria Toribia, had one son together. According to one account, the baby miraculously survived a fall into a well, and in thanksgiving Maria and Isidore lived in continence afterwards. Maria supported Isidore in his charity, regularly keeping an extra pot of stew on the fire for whatever poor soul he brought home to feed.

Isidore died in 1130. Forty years later his body was found incorrupt. Maria lived as a hermit until her death around 1175. Numerous miracles were attributed to Isidore, and King Philip III of Spain was cured of serious illness by his relics. Philip then vigorously promoted his cause, and the humble farmworker was canonized along with Ignatius of Loyola, Philip Neri, Francis Xavier, and Teresa of Ávila. Maria was invoked specially during times of drought; the reliquary containing her head was carried in procession, prompting her unusual title—in English, “of the head.” Isidore and Maria are the patrons of farm workers.

Heavenly Father, thank you for all
whose labors provide us food.

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Christ at the Sea of Galilee, Circle of Jacopo Tintoretto (Probably Lambert Sustris), Anonymous Artist - Venetian, 1518 or 1519 - 1594. National Gallery of Art, New-York

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