Saints Who Exemplify Devotion to the Christ Child

December 4, 2024

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Saint Catherine of Bologna

Saint Who?

Saints Who Exemplify Devotion
to the Christ Child

Saint Catherine of Bologna

Abbess († 1463) Feast: March 9

As a young girl, Catherine de’Vigri was chosen to be the companion to a princess. But when the princess became engaged, Catherine, then about thirteen, decided to give her life to God alone. She helped establish a community of Poor Clares, where she worked at humble tasks, including laundry duty and baking.

Catherine was a talented artist, writer, and musician. Her devotion to the Child Jesus is expressed in her writings and her painting. Her biographer, a fellow religious, wrote that Catherine drew images of the Christ Child on the convent walls. She is said to have painted the lovely “Madonna of the Peach,” in which the Infant’s face shines with sweetness. Her art was, according to Catherine, intended “to increase devotion in herself and others.”

One Christmas Eve, Catherine received permission to spend the night in prayer. She prayed one thousand Hail Marys. It is said that at midnight the Virgin Mary appeared to her. Catherine was allowed to hold the infant Jesus, who kissed her. A few weeks after Catherine died in 1463, her body was found to be incorrupt. Though it has become blackened with time and the smoke from candles, it is said that a white spot is still discernible at the place where she received the baby Jesus’ kiss.

Holy Infant Jesus, may the work of holy artists like
Saint Catherine increase our devotion to you.

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Christ at the Sea of Galilee, Circle of Jacopo Tintoretto (Probably Lambert Sustris), Anonymous Artist - Venetian, 1518 or 1519 - 1594. National Gallery of Art, New-York