Prayer Intentions

Submit your prayer intention
Following the example of the Apostles gathered around Mary after the Resurrection, let us pray together united in faith.
You can share your intentions here, so that they can be included in the hearts of all who pray daily with Magnificat. (Only your first name will appear as the intention’s signature).
Your prayer intentions will also be entrusted to the Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother.
Additionally, Fr. Sebastian White, o.p., will celebrate Mass each month for Magnificat readers, especially for the intentions entrusted here.

Prayer is powerful, let us never lose the courage of prayer – Pope Francis

Please pray for my mother, who is experiencing ongoing health issues and pain. I ask for God’s healing, strength, and comfort for her during this time, and for wisdom and guidance for her doctors. May she be restored to full health according to God’s will. Thank you for your prayers.

Heaven, Maurice Denis (1870-1943), Musée d’Orsay, Paris. akg-images / Erich Lessing.
Hands in Prayer, Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), Albertina, Vienna , Austria. akg-images.
Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R
of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother
Founded in 1988 to renew the contemplative dimension of the early Franciscan penitents, we are a contemplative-active community who have been captured by the merciful love of Christ, the fulfillment and desire of every human heart.
Seized by this love, we cannot help but freely give our lives to glorify God and make known His merciful Love through prayer and works of mercy.
To glorify God and make known His merciful Love through prayer and works of mercy.