Saints Who Worked in Agriculture

September 13, 2024

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Blessed Notburga

Saint Who?

Saints Who Worked in Agriculture

Blessed Notburga

Laywoman († 1313)Feast: September 14

Notburga, whose name means “one who protects from danger,” was born in Bavaria around 1265. A capable worker, she was said to have served as a cook in the house of a noble named Heinrich. She was generous to the poor, giving them the leftovers of the great household. But Heinrich’s wife ordered her to feed the leftovers to the pigs instead. Notburga continued to give from her own small share, and she was dismissed.

She soon gained employment on a farm, and secured a promise from her employer that she would have Sundays and holy days off. At harvest time, however, the farmer asked her to continue working one Saturday evening after the Vespers bell rang, announcing the sabbath. “Let the sickle decide who is right,” Notburga replied. She tossed her tool into the air, where it remained suspended while she went to church.

Heinrich’s estates, meanwhile, had been declining since Notburga’s departure. Moreover the mistress of the house was dying. Notburga returned to nurse her and prepare her for eternity. She agreed to work there again, stipulating that care for the poor be resumed. Notburga died in 1313. Long popular in Germany, her cult was confirmed in 1862.

Heavenly Father, grant us a spirit
of generosity and forgiveness.

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Christ at the Sea of Galilee, Circle of Jacopo Tintoretto (Probably Lambert Sustris), Anonymous Artist - Venetian, 1518 or 1519 - 1594. National Gallery of Art, New-York

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