The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin
The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin, attributed to Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni) (c. 1370–1425) In a moment of rapturous love, Saint Francis of
The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin, attributed to Lorenzo Monaco (Piero di Giovanni) (c. 1370–1425) In a moment of rapturous love, Saint Francis of
The Supper at Emmaus (1606), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The story of the road to Emmaus The story of the road to Emmaus represents a key
Christ Driving the Moneychangers from the Temple, 1403–1424, Lorenzo Ghiberti (and assistants). Zeal for the house of God The Gospel of Saint John relates that, at
The Temptation of Christ (c. 1500/1504), Juan de Flandes (15th–16th century). United in the mystery As the season of Lent begins this month, the Church invites us to
The Finding of the Savior in the Temple, William Holman Hunt (1827–1910). A visual vocabulary In his Finding of the Savior in the Temple,
The Glory of Saint Vitalis (1512), Vittore Carpaccio (c. 1460–c. 1526). When considering Catholic art, one may be tempted to only think of the best-known works
The Jonah Sarcophagus (c. 300), Vatican Museums, Italy. The enigma of early Christian art Early Christian art can strike our modern sensibilities as being a
Nativity of the Virgin (c. 1480), anonymous. Shipwrecked in time In 1703, a stylish Baroque reredos (the decorated “backdrop” commonly seen behind the high altar)
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